
Monday 7 October 2013

Design Wall Monday - Oct 7

I wanted to have something (anything) on my design wall this week, since I've been pretty lax lately. So I pulled out my fabrics from the Kaffe Fassett workshop last week, and reassembled my quilt with the dark background. This was definitely my favourite from the few options I previewed at the workshop.

I think will sit on the design wall for a few days.  I want to get the current quilt off the long arm before this weekend, so I can take it back to the owner when I see her on Saturday.

Drop by Judy's blog for more design walls today.


  1. This is lovely!

  2. I thought I was reading what I would have written: lax, get quilt off the longarm, but it seems that I am not the only one who has taken a short hiatus. Must be the Fall weather but I am sure we will both be back in the thick of things. I like what you have on your wall.
