
Thursday 3 October 2013

The Tale of a Storm at Sea

This quilt has been in the making for over 2 years (since July 2011). It was originally intended to be a quilt for my son, before he went to university.  I made all the blocks over the course of about 5 months, and then stalled on the border.  I knew what I wanted to do, but the piecing and sizing of the border felt overwhelming at the time. So it went onto a shelf.

When I pulled it back out last year, I decided on the size of the quilt, figured out how much fabric I had left (ordered some more), and completed the pieced borders.  I thought the quilt was done, and added it to the "to be quilted" pile in May 2012.

At that point, I knew I was buying a long arm, so I waited. And then waited to get better at free motion quilting, and then waited for some other quilts to be done.  And FINALLY, in July this year got it out to do the quilting.  And at that point, discovered that I must have been dreaming when I finished it.  The size was completely wrong for its intended use, so it went back on the design wall, I dug out the last scraps of fabric from the making (lucky I still had it!), and adjusted the overall size of the quilt and added some new borders. That adventure is detailed here.  I ended up removing a row, and using those blocks on the back of the quilt.  And I extended the borders with an outer white border, because I really was not happy with the look when it ended right after the diamond border.

And THEN it could get onto the long arm.  And off.  And bound.  Only 27 months in the making :) my Storm at Sea quilt is complete, and perfectly sized for the double bed that now resides in the my son's old room (since he left for university over a year ago).

I'm linking up at the October finishing party over at A Stitch in Time.

October Finishes


  1. What a truly spectacular job. Congratulations on another finish. Do you hear the fireworks? Time to celebrate. Finishes are a big thing and certainly this quilt needs a big celebration. Great job!


  2. It is beautiful. I love the blues ...

  3. Gorgeous! I love blue and white quilts!

  4. Amazing job Krista! It turned out beautifully.

  5. Hi Krista, I love the border you fashioned for this quilt. I am looking at doing the same pattern for my son. What size blocks did you use? how big are the diamonds in the border?

    1. I think I answered you in an email, but for others wondering the same thing - the diamonds in the border are exactly the same size as two of the star points from the quilt.
