
Tuesday 1 October 2013

Get it Done - October

Apparently I completely missed the September "Get it Done" post.  Not sure how that happened.  So, going back 2 months, this is what was on the table for August.

  1. Storm at Sea is on the longarm, so I want to finish quilting it
  2. Finish labyrinth top, and quilt it
  3. finish binding Hunters Star, and Bear's Paw
  4. bind Storm at Sea
As of today, here is my progress:
  1. Done!
  2. Done! (in September)
  3. done (Hunter's Star) and not done (Bear Paw)
  4. not done
In addition, I did finish quilting my mystery quilt, and bound it.  So at least some progress was made, even if it wasn't on a list anywhere.

For October, I'm keeping my plans minimal, and binding oriented apparently:
  1. Bind Storm at Sea
  2. Bind Bear's Paw 
  3. Bind Labyrinth
  4. Finish quilting Dresden plate (not mine)

Drop by Judy's blog to see what everyone else is planning this month.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good! Please post a picture of your Storm at Sea! My son & DIL has requested one. And I have to get busy on it!
