
Saturday 30 November 2013

December's Get it Done!

Last month I set these goals for myself.  And I made quite good progress, if I do say so myself
  1. finish binding labyrinth - Done
  2. quilt and bind Living in Harmony - Done
  3. bind bear paw - not done
  4. catch up on BOM - Downtwon, Toes in the Sand, and Block party. - Done
Poor old bear paw has been on the list two or three months in a row now, and I keep ignoring it.  Maybe next month.  But, in addition to all those lovely finishes, I started and finished my diamond star quilt, pieced my labyrinth quilt (hmm, just noticed the name conflict with my "other" labyrinth - I guess I'll be renaming this one.  Maybe "A-maze-ing Effects"), and made a Christmas wall hanging.

For December, I'd like to continue my finishing streak.
Urban Candy
  1. quilt & bind swoon
  2. quilt & bind Urban Candy
  3. extend "challenge" top from retreat
  4. quilt & bind christmas wall hanging
The first 3 of those are "due" December 14.  That might be a stretch, but hopefully the quilting can be done on two of them, and the piecing on #3.

That's not to say I won't be working on the Bonnie Hunter mystery, and the Border Creek Station mystery, and another diamond star quilt.  Just not making any promises about those :)

Drop by Judy's blog to see what everyone else is up to in December.


  1. I love M.C. Escher, also. I love your quilt you made to look like his work!!! I have a few of his books and thought of somehow making a quilt to resemble one of his pieces. You beat me to it. I will still do it, though. I think you have a store and if you do, I have bought from you before many times. If you don't have a store, your blog name is close to the name of a store I buy from. I am reading your blog this morning. It is very entertaining. I have one, but after a year, quit. They are a lot of work. Thank you for the enjoyment. Jeanne

  2. You did very well on your goals. I really like your Urban Candy quilt. That is very striking .

  3. 3 of 4 is not bad. Sometimes I put something on and I just KNOW I'm not likely to actually do it. =) I usually get a *little* farther on it, and that's okay. Good goals for December, but 3 by the 14th? Tough lady!
