
Friday 29 November 2013

Friday Update

After my non-starter day earlier this week, my swoon quilt is on the long arm.  I couldn't find any king-size white batting the LQS, so I decided to go ahead and piece it.  I have my queen batting all loaded up, and when I reach the bottom I'll figure out how to handle the shortfall.

I'm hoping to get this quilted and bound before the 14th, for a show and tell.  It's a big quilt, but so far things are going fairly smoothly with the quilting.  Hopefully I didn't speak too soon :)

It could be a busy weekend. Tomorrow is "Get it Done" link up day.  Bonnie's Celtic Solstice started today.  Back to Square One mystery should end on Sunday.  And then it will be time to think about catching up with all my block of the month projects.


  1. Beautiful. I look forward to seeing this quilt when you are finished. Looks inspirational.


  2. Early this morning, I went to Quilting Bloggers website and ... oh my, I recognized a quilt! I checked the name and sure enough it was your beautiful blue Starburst. Of course, I voted for you. Good luck. And with the kind of week you had, I think I can wish you some more so... Best of luck Krista!
