
Monday 19 May 2014

Design Wall Monday

I have a finished top on my wall this morning.  This is a mystery quilt for my guild this year. The meeting is Wednesday, so I'm right on schedule.  Ideally, it will be quilted and bound by the June meeting, but that is still to be determined :)

I also have a finish today.  I finally finished sewing the binding on "A Little Diversion", so I can now call this one complete. 

My cat already thinks it is hers. She was "helping" me bind last night, and I noticed how well she matches the quilt.  So maybe she's right about who it should belong to.

Drop by Judy's blog for more design walls today.


  1. Your mystery quilt is just lovely. The colors are so calming and soothing. How big is that top?

    1. The mystery quilt top is 58x72 after the borders went on.
