
Sunday 18 May 2014

Stash Report

I finished a quilt this week! My pink star is now fully quilted and bound.  Binding isn't on in this photo- I'll get a better picutre in the daylight tomorrow.  I really like the way this one turned out, and I had a blast quilting it.
4 yards out for back and binding

And a top.
This one's for my son.  I was going to repair his current quilt, but when I started to do that, I realized just how much of it was falling apart, so I decided a new quilt was a better option. Since the one he has is the 3rd quilt I ever made, I'm pretty sure my skills have improved since then and he's entitled to a newer one :)
7 yards used

And the back for another one.
The top was done at a retreat in early April. I finally decided to continue with my original plan for a double-sided quilt, even though I used up more fabric than intended on the front.  I had the cream from another quilt, used the dark border fabric for the center, and I had bought a backing fabric for it earlier so I used that for the outer borders on the back. It will probably also end up being the binding when I'm done.
5 yards used

Total, 16 yards out.

Of course, there was a sale at the quilt store today. I went with the best of intentions - to buy backing for my son's quilt.   I came home with a bit more than that.
16 yards in.

Hey, look at that. I broke even this week!!

Stash totals for the year:
402 1/4 yards in
77 1/2 yards out
Total: 324 3/4  yards in

 Drop by Judy's blog for more stash reports.


  1. Breaking even is always great!

  2. Breaking even is the best I can ever hope for. Really love your pink star!
