
Wednesday 14 May 2014


 I finished quilting my pink diamond star today.  I didn't expect to finish it before Friday, but I was having so much fun that I just kept going.  And then when all I had left was 3 borders, it seemed silly to stop.

Feathers around the star itself, pebbles in the background, and more feathers for the border.  All the pinks are outlined.  And despite the troubles I had loading it for the last 2 borders, the quilt is nice and square.

This quilt is from Barbara H. Cline's book "Diamond Chain".  I reversed the colour scheme and turned the hexagon into a square for this quilt.Now I just have to bind it, and since it's only Wednesday, that might even be able to happen before Saturday.

I'm linking up at Freshly Pieced and The Needle and Thread Network today, for Work in Progress Wednesday.


  1. Wow...that quilt is stunning!!! I love everything about it! Your quilting is fantastic too!

  2. This is amazing! The colours are beautiful, and the quilting is great. That is incredible.

  3. This is absolutely gorgeous! The colors you picked are perfect. :)

  4. It's just beautiful and very interesting as I just pieced some toppers from her triangles book!

  5. Very pretty! I never saw a star done like this, very interesting. Also your link to how to remove fabric dye that ran doesn't want to open for me. 24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com

  6. Very pretty! This is a striking design.
