
Wednesday 17 March 2010

Donation Time!

Last week I said I wanted to finish a number of quilties, to take to my guild meeting this week.  I wasn't sure how realistic my list was, but I was going to give it my best shot.   Apparently I had more time to quilt than I thought, because I finished all but one of my projects.

yellow celtic hearts - Done
red celtic hearts - Done
blue celtic hearts - Done
tic-tac-toe - Done
sleight of hand - not done

I chose not to try to quilt Sleight of Hand this week, because I wanted some more time to admire it :) and to decide how I was going to quilt it.

So, in the pile above are my 4 finishes from this week, plus 2 earlier ones (that poor little Hawaiian quilt that waited so long, and a quiltie from last year, made from some surplus blocks from my sister's quilt).   All of these will go to guild with me tonight, to be donated to the children's hospital.

And just because I haven't shown it yet, here's the blue celtic square, all complete and ready to go.

Check out Baris's blog for this week's Accountability reports.


  1. Dang! You're on a roll! That's a lot of finishes! Lucky Children's Hospital.

  2. Way to go! I love what you have done with your celtic quilts. Gorgeous! What a wonderful way to finish them up and to bless the children at the hospital!

    I love your rainbow dreams quilt!

    Way to go this week!

