
Wednesday 17 March 2010

Rainbow Dreams

After all your wonderful comments on the start of my purple quilt, I decided I wanted a least a few more colour options in there.  So, I tried adding red and blue to the mix.  Not bad, but really not my colour scheme.  I like things a bit brighter than this.

So, I went ahead with some more colourful blocks, heading for Rainbow Dreams.  Thsi is way oustide my comfort zone.  Scrappy, multi-coloured, no "focus" fabric.  But, it doesn't make me want to run screaming in the other direction.

I've tweaked the block placement a bit since this picture, but I'm leaning towards this quilt being the final answer.

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be a beautiful quilt. Love the colors you have selected and the design is so much fun! Inspirational!

