Wednesday 3 January 2024

First Finish

I finished 2023 by doing a major cleanup in my sewing room. Still some work to do, but there is serious improvement in there, and I can actually find things now. Things like... a quilt that I "finished" in 2017, but I just discovered the binding was only half done :(  So, my first finish for 2024 is the 3 feet of binding on "All Squared Up" from 2017.


And while I had my photo backdrop in place, I took a picture of Storybook Rainbow from 2019. It's been done for a while, but I can't find any photos of the complete quilt, so now I have that taken care of too.

After my UFO count from the 1st, I realized that I need some serious focus on getting things done rather than starting new things.  So I joined a 100 day challenge.  Work on as many UFOs from a list of 16, during the first 100 days of 2024.  Hopefully a jump start to finishing some off, and clearing some space for fun new stuff in the last 266 days of the year.  Because that seemed a bit too loose for me, and 16 was just too many to tackle all at once, I also decided to do the old "draw a number" and pick one UFO to finish each month this year.  So I sorted my list into my top 12, and a bonus 12 that might get swapped in.  This month is Number 3, so my Pink Spinning Star should get on the longarm before the end of the month.

Of course, trying to clear out UFOs did not deter me from joining a Virtual Mystery Quilt Retreat with Quilt-agious, or starting Merry Mayhem on New Years Day.  Here's to hoping I can at least finish as many as I start this time around.


  1. Congrats on the first finish of 2024. Here's hoping we can keep each other on track for an interesting quilt year.

  2. Goals are good, but we all need some new challenges.
