It's time to catch up again. This seems to be a regular event for me. I realize that I'm way behind on my BOM projects, and I spend a weekend working away to catch up. This weekend apparently will be no different.
Judy posted the next
Tell it to the Stars block, and reminded me that it's time to step up to February. Fortunately that project is on track and I do have last month's block finished (ok, it's only been 1 month so far), so that's on track. Here are my January blocks.
But then I started thinking about my other BOM, and I know I'm behind on all of them. So, time to make my Downtown blocks (2 houses, 2 stars to catch up), Toes in the Sand (1 month to catch up) Guild mystery (I'm not sure I even saw instructions for this month), Border Creek Station (just 1 month behind) and I think that's all of them.
I just read the LQS newsletter, and there's a new challenge brewing. One block a week for 49 weeks - for only $25. I think I have to join this one - I live so close to the store and I'm there almost every week anyway. I wonder if I'll be able to stay on track for an entire year (if your block isn't done, it costs $5 to get the next one).
Last month I set some goals, and then promptly forgot about them. So let's check back. Ok, here's what they said:
- quilt 3 customer quilts - Done
- quilt last year's Easy Street top - not done
- attach hanging sleeve to swoon quilt, so it can go to the quilt shop for display - Done
- catch up on Downtown and Tell it to the Stars BOM projects TITTS is (was) up to date, but only got half of Downtown done.
Not too bad, over 50% complete. For this month, I'm have a pile of customer quilts to get done, so that's priority number 1. Getting any of my own stuff quilted is probably a dream this month, with the customer promises I've made.And Downtown needs its own entry, because paper piecing takes a chunk of time.
So here are my plans for February:
- Finish the current one before next Saturday, and 3 others that I've promised for February.
- Catch up Downtown
- Catch up mystery quilts (Border Creek and guild)
- rest :)