I'm a bit behind figuring out the UFO challenges for March, since I've been away at retreat since the 1st of the month. But I checked them out and my goals for this month are:

#8 from Patchwork Times. That's Blackford's Beauty, which should be a nice quick finish, once I find a backing for it. This was a block party quilt from a couple of years ago. I had planned to donate it to Victoria's Quilts, but it's a bit too big for that, which is why it ended up in the UFO pile for so long. I'll get it quilted up and then find a home for it.
and #3 from APQ. That's my Kaffe Jacob's Ladder, for which I have backing purchased. I just need to piece it. This one is for me (not that I need any more quilts - but I love this one). It's "only" about a year and a half old.
So this should be an easy month for me. I'm going to aim to get both of these done this month.
I find it interesting that thus far - 3 months in and 6 numbers drawn, neither of my two challenges has overlapped with the other in numbers. I wonder how long that can go on?
Two really nice choices.