Friday, 13 April 2018


A couple of years ago, I picked up a set of fruit & vegetable fabrics, from the free table at one of my guilds.  At the time, I knew I wanted to turn them into a jar quilt (something on my bucket list, but not something I wanted to actually go out and buy fabric for - so this was a perfect find).  They sat around for a while, until I needed a project to take to retreat last year.  I made more of the jars there, but ran out of fabric for the lids and background, so the blocks went into a box and languished for a while.

I finally pulled them back out for another retreat, added some fabric to replace the missing bits, found sashing fabric (a nice wood grain for the shelves) and trucked it all back to another retreat.

After sitting in the UFO closet for several months, I pulled it out last month and finished it, as part of my March finishing blitz. This will head out to Victoria's Quilts this month, where I hope it will find a good home.

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