I pulled a quilt out of the closet yesterday, intending to load it on the long arm. It's so warm these days, and being in the basement is the best choice - and I keep telling myself I need to catch up on my quilting. Plus, I need to ponder options for the
borders on my labyrinth quilt. So, I pulled out an old quilt that has been waiting for attention for at least 2 years. And I hated it :( I had finished the quilt with a narrow dark border, and it just felt unfinished to me. And then I laid it on the bed it was intended for, and it was too narrow (oh good, I can add another border) and too long (rats!).
Here's a picture of the quilt as it was when I pulled it out of the closet. 75"x95" - I have no idea what I was thinking when I made it that size.
I pondered my options for a few minutes, but since I'd already decided that it needed another border outside the dark strip it was a pretty easy decision. Out came the seam ripper, and rather than spending the day in the nice cool basement quilting, I spent it taking a row out of the quilt, and making the borders fit again. Of course this was a pieced border. And 1 1/2 border blocks equals one center row - so removing the row turned out not to be as simple as I first thought. But it's done now, and ready for the long arm.
Binding for Hunter's star - came from the offcuts on the backing, so I guess it's already been counted.
New border for storm at sea - 1 1/2 yards
backing for storm at sea - 7 yards
Total used this week - 8 1/2 yards
Total stash usage this year: 158 1/4 yards out
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