It's always good to have goals. Even if we fall short of them. For 2015, I have some plans, some hopes, and some dreams :)
At last count, I had 18 tops that need to be quilted. I think the number has gone up by at least 2 since then, but let's call it 18 for now. I hope to quilt 6 of them next year (1 every 2 months - that should be achievable, right?) Plus, not add to them. So, for every quilt I finish, one will get quilted (not necessarily the one I just finished, but something on the list).
I'm going to continue to track my stash in/out - but next year I am determined to only bring in fabric that has an immediate use. So my out should be much higher than my in count, I hope. I have Judy as a shining example of what's possible here.
I am involved in a number of block of the month/mystery quilts
- Guild mystery
- Bonnie Hunter mystery
- Border Creek Station mystery
- Reflections of the North block of the month
- Mastering Miniatures block of the week
- A Patchwork Year block of the month
- Tell it to the Stars mystery
Plus Downtown block of the month. Actually, let's be honest and call this one a true UFO. The BOM finished a few months ago, and I have 4 months to go.
I hereby resolve to sign up for LESS next year. Or maybe I mean the year after. Several of the projects above (3,4,6) will run all year. #2 should finish around New Years. #7 should be done now so I just need to catch up on the last 2 clues, #1 ends in May, and #5 has 10 more weeks to run. That will leave me with 3 BOM projects for the last part of the year. It's so hard to resist a new mystery. Let's see if I can stay strong :)