Thursday, 7 April 2016

Q2 Finish Along Plans

It's time to make some grandiose plans for Q2.  My Q1 plans went pretty well - all but 3 projects were completed.  That's 11 finishes, plus a few that weren't on the list (I think my count for Q1 so far is 16 finishes).  So for next quarter, I'm going all out, so that those "extra" projects I pull in on a whim are actually on my list this time.

First, my in-progress projects - these are ones that have not yet reached the quilting/binding stages, so they are the biggest stretch for finishing this quarter.
  1. Winding Ways - this is for a colour challenge, and is due at guild in May, so there is incentive to get it done.
  2. Ascension - another colour challenge, different guild, and also due for early may. It's ready for quilting and is pretty small so should not be a challenge to finish
  3. Blackford's Beauty   - my block of the month.  I should get my blocks back in April, so finishing the top & quilting it this quarter should be do-able
  4. Merry Mayhem New Year's Day mystery
  5. Northern Reflections

From my "to be quilted" list, I want to finish at least 2 per month which would be 6 this quarter.  I'm putting a bunch on the list though - some are quick & easy, others want more time/detailed quilting. Which ones I do will depend on my attitude of the day when my quilting day rolls around :)  And if the world smiles on me, they might all get done.
  1. turquoise &; brown rectangles
  2. turquoise & brown diamonds 
  3. turquoise & brown baby quilt 
  4. Building Blocks
  5. Easy Street - Bonnie Hunter 2012 mystery
  6. Glorious and Free 
  7. Brights baby quilt
  8. Tell it to the Stars - Judy Laquidara 2014 mystery
  9. One Block Wonder 
  10. Giant Scrappy Swoon 
  11. disappearing hour glass #3
  12. Baby Reflections
Photos below are in the order listed.

And my binding projects:
  1. 2 disappearing hour glass quilties
  2. Kaffe stripes quilty
I can't find in progress pics of any of these, so here they are waiting for binding:


  1. I do love a long FAL list, makes me feel that I'm not alone! Good luck with it and thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts.

  2. you apparently bought a lot of turquoise and brown LOL! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Glorious and Free!

  3. They are all wonderful! Good luck with your list.

  4. Ohhhh Caaanadaaa... lol. I love your Glorious and Free too! Go Canada! Good luck with your list - you have a lot on there - you must have tonnes and tonnes of quilting days coming up ;)
